Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 8

Blogging after midnight is turning into a habit I need to break!!! So Day 8 is Monday NOT Tuesday.

I had a great day.....calories perfect, I had a very light lunch and expected to need a mid after noon snack but got through on a couple of celery sticks, and really I only ate them because they looked delicious. I think I ate a banana in the car too now if I think about it? Hhhmmmm Anyways dinner was DELICIOUS!! I will be making that mustard sauce again for sure so so good!! I like that I feel like I am eating real food, and having done so well in the early part of the day I gave myself an extra couple of Sweet Potato chips. I stood in the kitchen just before and offered myself a hot chocolate and apple tart?? I grabbed 5 pretzels and a cup of tea instead?? WTF?? I really didn't feel hunger today at any part of the day and that is AMAZING!!

I really need to work on locking in this training. I promised myself all day I would do the circuit but just didn't get to it. So back on the bike this evening, another 12km knocked off!! I am sooo frustrated with the set back in regards to my foot. As much as I enjoyed my walk on Sunday I am wishing I hadn't done it. Maybe I need a trip to the physio for some treatment or maybe it is time to give into getting orthotics?? I have resisted that for nearly 12 months but now that it is stopping me from training I am rethinking it.

All I know is that what I AM doing is working.....my cankles have not made their monthly appearance?? I had hoped that my circulation would improve and they would go but so soon?? Only 8 days in?? Pleased as punch and I keep looking at my feet in wonder!!!

Hope you had a great day 8 too.



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