Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 8

Blogging after midnight is turning into a habit I need to break!!! So Day 8 is Monday NOT Tuesday.

I had a great day.....calories perfect, I had a very light lunch and expected to need a mid after noon snack but got through on a couple of celery sticks, and really I only ate them because they looked delicious. I think I ate a banana in the car too now if I think about it? Hhhmmmm Anyways dinner was DELICIOUS!! I will be making that mustard sauce again for sure so so good!! I like that I feel like I am eating real food, and having done so well in the early part of the day I gave myself an extra couple of Sweet Potato chips. I stood in the kitchen just before and offered myself a hot chocolate and apple tart?? I grabbed 5 pretzels and a cup of tea instead?? WTF?? I really didn't feel hunger today at any part of the day and that is AMAZING!!

I really need to work on locking in this training. I promised myself all day I would do the circuit but just didn't get to it. So back on the bike this evening, another 12km knocked off!! I am sooo frustrated with the set back in regards to my foot. As much as I enjoyed my walk on Sunday I am wishing I hadn't done it. Maybe I need a trip to the physio for some treatment or maybe it is time to give into getting orthotics?? I have resisted that for nearly 12 months but now that it is stopping me from training I am rethinking it.

All I know is that what I AM doing is working.....my cankles have not made their monthly appearance?? I had hoped that my circulation would improve and they would go but so soon?? Only 8 days in?? Pleased as punch and I keep looking at my feet in wonder!!!

Hope you had a great day 8 too.



Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 7

I had a Super Smash it up Sunday...... instead of Saturday. I tested my foot with a 3km Walk. It took me 37min, a time I hope to improve on. I obviously got all the way around but I am paying for it now. I was able to do what has become my regular 30 min on the bike also.....which was good. But I think I will stick to the bike...I burn so many more calories for the same investment of time and it is easier on the injuries I am carrying. I am going to try some of the outdoor work out tomorrow.....hhmmm will see!!

Calories were a little over today but the extra exercise compensated for that. Going to sleep now as it is really already Day 8....LOL



Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 6 - Part 2

Today I have to admit I feel better than I have in weeks. Wasn't sure when I first woke up.....but a relaxing day has just been the trick I think. I am far from 100% well.....but fingers crossed I have turned the corner.

I have not long finished my bike ride for the day, and today I managed to squeeeeeze out 12.5km!! in the 30 min. Also I decided it was time to get acquainted with the fit ball my mum gave me. Luckily it came with a great book and I have worked through the warm up exercises. So exercise done, calorie count good. I am off to make some apple tarts!!



Day 6

Treat Night Dinner!! What to have, what to have?? I spent a significant amount of time this afternoon trolling around Calorie King trying to work it out. We normally have some type of take away and it quickly became clear that nothing would really fit in. No surprise I guess!! Decided I best cook myself something.....and it was easy as I already had most of what I needed here. Just a quick stop at the supermarket on the way home from my sons basketball game for some low fat cheese and I was set to go. I had......

Chicken & Avocado Pizza - 515 Cal

1 Wattle Valley Rye Wrap
20g Tomato Paste
Tuscan Herbs or Mixed Herbs (Masterfood's Dry Herbs)
20g Red Onion, chopped
30g Red Capsicum, chopped
50g Avocado, chopped
50g Cooked Chicken Breast, chopped*
30g Coles Lite Shredded tasty cheese
30g Coles Lite Shredded Mozzarella cheese

Spread the paste over the rye wrap, taking it right up to the edges. Sprinkle a few herbs over the paste. (I REALLY like the Masterfoods Tuscan Herbs: It has herbs, garlic and pepper...gives the pizza a good zing.) Layer the onion, capsicum, avocado & chicken over the base. Combine the 2 cheeses together and sprinkle over the top. Bake in a moderate oven for 15 - 20 min or until the cheese is all melted.

* I poach chicken breasts for the chicken noodle soup and have gotten into the habit of poaching a couple of extra to have on hand for sandwiches, salads OR Pizza toppings!!

Perfect treat night dinner......even room for dessert really!!!! OR Share it with a friend and have a side salad!!!



Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 5

Today I have really hit the wall. Last day of term for the kids and I have run out of puff. I did the mum's taxi thing this morning, then did some quick shopping for supplies. Came home, made a big pot of chicken noodles soup and put myself to bed. I had a little nap, but mostly watched DVD's.

I have been very good with my calories....1233 for the day!! And that included some pretzels. Risky I know, but I REALLY needed something crunchy and salty. I weighed them all out and stashed the bag in the pantry for another day. I don't want to live on celery sticks, as much as I love them. I want to be able to eat the foods I love, but learn to know my limits.

I have also been debating whether to exercise or not?? So early in the program I was concerned about getting out of the habit, but was also not sure if it was wise to as I was feeling unwell. (& have been for such a long time) I had to drag myself out of bed to collect my son from his girlfriends house and when I got back I figured I might as well get on the bike and see how long I lasted. I am pleased to say I got through the whole 30 min and in fact went a little further than I have before: 12km!! It means I must be pedaling at a higher rate which I am SOOOO pleased about!! I am itching to get into the full training program but feel it is wise to wait till I am well......can't believe I am saying that!! LOL

Hope you have had a great day.


Day 4

Today has been one of those days..up....down...up....down.....uugghhh. Blew my calories a bit, but with 1/2 and avocado I scooped out of the skin with a teaspoon. Still think it is better than a bag of potato chips.....not sure Michelle would agree.

I am enjoying the food, though I am making changes to suit me....like skipping chickpeas rissoles and steaming some vegies to have with a small lamb steak.

The exercise is getting better too. I am less sore today than I was on Tuesday and I once again did over 11km's in the 30 min. (Yes I pushed through the sore butt and got back on the bike.) I plan to build the amount of time and also vary the type of exercise I am doing over the next couple of weeks...just testing my body on the bike I guess.......and I haven't fallen apart yet!!!



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 3

I am so tired today....tired of being sick more than anything really. It has been almost 6 weeks now......but I am trying to push through. I am certainly not following the program completely but feel while this virus has a hold on me I had best pace myself. I am really looking forward to the school holidays which start here at the end of the week: less running around with kids etc and HOPEFULLY I can spend those 2 weeks getting into a good training routine.

For lunch today I used some of the chicken left over from last night to make a wrap with avocado and salad!! It was so yummy. And for dinner we had the noodle soup. I even allowed myself 2 slices of wholemeal bread stick with grilled cheese on them. The bread stick is good as it only uses half a slice of cheese, where as a square loaf would use a whole one....small changes but good ones. I love bread and it is one of the hardest things for me to give up so I am glad I can squish a couple of pieces in here and there. I poached some extra chicken when making the soup so I have that set aside for tomorrow's wrap. Perfect day for it as it will be 18 here tomorrow. I also stashed a serve of soup in the freezer....the weather man says that the weekend will be turning cold and rainy so perfect weather for soup then!!

I spent another 30min on the bike tonight.....BUT I managed to go another 1.5km than last night. That is right 11km!! I am pretty pleased as I really thought I would be too sore to do it at all. My butt is very sore so I might walk tomorrow. Thing about walking is that it aggravates my Plantar Fasciitis, AND my hip bursitis. I sound like an old woman don't I. It is the reason I am doing this....too young to feel so so old.

Oh and Wednesday is weigh in day.......the scales say I have lost 500g.....?? Who knew?? But I will take it!!



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2

Yummy breakfast, DELICIOUS lunch, SUPER YUMMY dinner......great day 2. I didn't quite get the exercise done as suggested but I did do 30 min (9.5km) on the bike. Better than nothing I figure. I have looked over the exercises and think that I can manage most of them. I do have a virus that I have been battling for about 5 weeks and I am running out of energy and I am forgetting to actually put the exercise in my day. I guess that is why Mish says to put it in your dairy. I might just get that done this week, still working through the preseason tasks.



Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1 -Fitness Test

At 4pm I will be heading out to do the walking component of the fitness test. Results, and pitiful as they are to follow shortly!!

Part 1 - Time Trial
Completed #iMapMyWalk (Walk): Distance 1.00 km, Duration 0:11:17, Pace 11:20 min/km, Speed 5.3 kph.

Part 2 - Push up Test
5 completed ( well 10 bad ones, and my coach would only let me count 5)

Part 3 - Ab Strength Test
1.....just 1. I could have told you I had no Abs without the test.

Part 4 - Wall Sit
5 sec.....just 5! Pitiful really.

Part 5 - Sit & Reach Test
-4.5....lol.....this one made us laugh the most.

I am lucky enough to have a son completing Phys Ed as a Year 12 subject, so all of these fitness exercises are very familiar to him. He made sure I kept proper form and did his best to encourage his old mum as she lay in a sniggering mess most of the time.

Wonder if there will be any improvements in a month.

Food wise I was a bit of a rebel, but mostly kept the calories under control. Tomorrow I do my first day of proper exercise....hhmmmm I may not be able to walk.

Night night.....


Day 1

It is 12.05am, I SHOULD be asleep! But no I am creating a blog.

Today is Day 1 of my 12WBT.....well that is the plan....a transformation of some kind!

I have bought food and new shoes, chopped vegies for snacks and completed MOST of the Pre season Tasks (that is what you get for signing up at the last min)....I guess I am as ready as I will ever be!