Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 30

Weigh in day tomorrow.....hhmmmm. Calorie deficit is GREAT.....should get a good result....but who knows!!!!



Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mini Milestone Day

It is so bizzare....this map says that I only completed 4.89km...but my phone and the website say it was 5.03km???? who cares. I DID A 5KM WALK in UNDER an hour!!!!



Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 22 - Fitness Test 2

Today I completed the fitness test again.....I am very pleased with my results. Slowly slowly chipping away....

Part 1 - Time Trial

Week 1: Completed (Walk): Distance 1.00 km, Duration 0:11:17, Pace 11:20 min/km, Speed 5.3 kph.
Week 2: Completed (Walk): Distance 1.00 km, Duration 0:09:52, Pace 09:51 min/km, Speed 6.1 kph.

Part 2 - Push up Test

Week 1:5 completed
Week 2:12 (still not getting very low and coach says it is not good enough but I think my form is better and my ability to get lower will improve.)

Part 3 - Ab Strength Test

Week 1: 1.....just 1.
Week 2: Still 1

Part 4 - Wall Sit

Week 1: 5 sec
Week 2:14 sec......better!

Part 5 - Sit & Reach Test

Week 1:-4.5
Week 2 : -1.....I got some flexibility back!!!!!Wonder if I will ever get into the +'s



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 17 - Weigh in number 3!

Can't believe I have left it so long between blogs...... I guess the blogging every day was always going to be hard to maintain. I plan at LEAST to stop by on weigh in day, and if anything else significant happens I will drop in as needed.

I was a VERY apprehensive about getting on the scales this week. My calories and been over more than on track AND I had to get a new set of scales. I was really concerned that they would not weigh the same and it would affect my result.....maybe it did, I will never know? BUT I had to check twice, no three times (again) but I have recorded a loss of 1.6kg today!! That gives me a total of 3.3kg since kick off.....AMAZING!

This week I have also commenced the Proper training program! I have spent the first 2 weeks just pedaling away on my stationary bike. I will tell you another day why that in it's self has been such a momentous achievement for me, but then starting on Michelle's training program in addition to what has become my regular 12km ride... well I am actually a little gob smacked. Part of that program is learning to run ......... something that when I started out with the program 2 weeks ago I had not thought was possible. I have to admit that the months leading up to me deciding to commit to Michelle and the 12 WBT....I have day dreamed about running. I honestly thought I was barking mad.....how can a 42 year old, 110kg, mother of 4 even entertain the idea of running??? AND it was certainly not one of the goals I set 2 weeks ago....not sure what is happening....little frightened by it all.....but hey in for penny in for a pound!! I can't believe I am saying this but I am really looking forward to the fitness text NEXT weigh in day!!! I am going to SMASH that 1km time trial I just know it!!

Well now I must sleep.....3kms of learning to run and then actually 13km on the bike today....I am a little bushed!!


a.k.a. Bozzy